There was no stand-down order on 9/11/2001

This year will mark the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. On September 11th of this year, the entire country will mourn the victims of these acts of Islamic aggression.

Since the attacks, which were clearly staged by a hostile organization and not the US government itself (i.e. it clearly wasn’t an inside job), a number of libertarian myth-lovers have claimed that 9/11 was an inside job.

They claim that on 9/11/2001, there was a stand-down order as a result of which the US military could not respond. Let’s debunk the myth.

The first piece of “evidence” that the so-called “9/11 truthers” use is a testimony before the 9/11 Commission by then-Secretary of Transportation Norman Y. Mineta about Dick Cheney talking about an “order”. The “9/11 truthers” say that Dick Cheney was talking about a stand-down order, and that Mineta’s testimony is “proof” of that stand-down order.

But, although Mineta was correct, he wasn’t talking about a stand-down order. Mineta didn’t mention any “stand-down order”, and neither did Cheney. Mineta was answering a question asked about the President’s shoot-down order (i.e. order to shoot down any aircraft suspected of being piloted by terrorists) by 9/11 Commission Co-Chairman Lee Hamilton. See the video of the testimony for yourself:

It’s clear from this video that they’re talking about a shoot-down order, not a stand-down order. Such an order was indeed issued, but only after 10AM, because the President, at the time, did not know of any hijacked airliners other than the two which hit the WTC. Unfortunately, the last of the four hijacked airliners, UA Flight 93, crashed at 10:03AM, so there was no way any other plane could’ve been shot down.

It is also claimed that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction (CJCSI) #3610_01a, signed on June 1st, 2001 by then-Director of the Joint Staff, is a “stand-down order”. Alex Jones used it as “a stand-down order telling generals that they could do nothing” and claimed that until it was issued, generals were always authorized to shoot down hijacked or errant aircraft. This is not true.

In the relevant part (4a: Policy), the Instruction says:

"Pursuant to references a and b, the Administrator, Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA), has exclusive responsibility to direct law enforcement activity
related to actual or attempted aircraft piracy (hijacking) in the “special
aircraft jurisdiction” of the United States. When requested by the
Administrator, Department of Defense will provide assistance to these
law enforcement efforts. Pursuant to reference c, the NMCC is the focal
point within Department of Defense for providing assistance. In the
event of a hijacking, the NMCC will be notified by the most expeditious
means by the FAA. The NMCC will, with the exception of immediate
responses as authorized by reference d, forward requests for DOD
assistance to the Secretary of Defense for approval. DOD assistance to
the FAA will be provided in accordance with reference d. Additional
guidance is provided in Enclosure A."

The previous relevant Instruction, which was superseded by this one, was CJCSI #3610_01, which said, in the relevant part, that:

"Pursuant to references a and b, the Administrator, Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA), has exclusive responsibility to direct law enforcement activity
related to actual or attempted aircraft piracy (hijacking) in the “special
aircraft jurisdiction” of the United States. When requested by the
Administrator, Department of Defense will provide assistance to these
law enforcement efforts. Pursuant to reference c, the NMCC is the focal
point within Department of Defense for providing assistance. In the
event of a hijacking, the NMCC will be notified by the most expeditious
means by the FAA. The NMCC will forward requests for DOD
assistance to the Secretary of Defense for approval."

Thus, as you can see from these Instructions, forwarding requests to the SECDEF for approval was the standard procedure as early as at least 1997.
This instruction actually liberalized the procedure, by providing an exception for extraordinary circumstances - such as the 9/11 attacks.
So, instead of tying the hands of NORAD generals, it actually liberalized the standard procedure.
(The "reference d" that the second Instruction refers to is
DOD Directive 3025.15, 18 February 1997, “Military Assistance to
Civil Authorities”.)

3 thoughts on “There was no stand-down order on 9/11/2001”

  1. Truthers are retarded; some now believe that the planes were cgi and added on the tv. Lol. Any one who said they saw them were a plant. Lol, so I guess my sister, grandmother, and all the kids in my school who seen them were also government plants. I can’t believe it, people are becoming so sick.

  2. LOL retarded, I think you have that the wrong way round!! What people are actually referring to when they say “Stand-down Order” is the fact that Norman Mineta walked in and a young officer kept coming in to see Cheney and provide him with an update on a plane that was heading towards a target, and getting closer (“50 miles, 30 miles, 10 miles, Do the orders still stand sir?) To which Cheney responds yes! The time was between 9:25 and 9:40 that this was taking place, which means this can only of been one plane, (it was heading straight for DC) the one…… You guessed it that hit the pentagon!

    Since we know that ZERO planes where shot down or taken out by the military, and we know the plane hit the pentagon, the order can of only been ONE thing! NOT to take down flight AA77 which apparently hit the Pentagon. SO thats why the stand down order is NOT debunked and you have posted a load of rubbish! Mineta knew it was the object that hit the pentagon and confirms it in the video! So the only question in my mind is whether the “Order” he was talking about was for a missile to be fired at the Pentagon, or the “stand down Order” which it must be!!!!

    Also this testimony by Mineta was removed from the commission video submission, and not at all referenced in the submitted paper report don’t you think that is odd? This is the most important piece of evidence in my opinion that Cheney is lying! That order that Cheney mentions “yes have you heard to the contrary” can only be one of two things if it was a plane that hit the Pentagon, then it was “stand Down” ie don’t fire on the plane, or it was fire something at the Pentagon. You don’t need an IQ above a carrot to work this out?

  3. The fact is that none of the planes were intercepted despite deviating from their flight plans for over an hour.
    Go ahead babbling as aologists for a corrupt and criminal corporatist state and churn out a bunch of pedantic weasel words about orders…
    Go ahead in your delusion that the military exercise gaming the exact scenario which was running in real time,( and still there was no flyboy response) , was irrelevant and not suspicious in the least.
    Go ahead projecting onto external enemies the enmity and hostility and outright criminality of an imperialist warmongering regime which has been at war for almost its entire existence…

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