This is the scum POGO, TCS, and the NTU have allied with

There is an old saying that if you befriend and team up with people who are up to no good, you are bound to become like them.

Perhaps POGO, TCS, and NTU hacks forgot about that when they allied themselves with CodePink, the anti-American, anti-Israeli scum who have now announced they intend to send photographs of their vaginas to the GOP National Convention.

Does this sound vulgar and distasteful? It should. But it’s actually typical of CodePink.

And yet, the leftist POGO and the so-called “Taxpayers for Common Sense”, along with the fiscal-only-conservative National Taxpayers Union, in their insane, maniacal drive for ever deeper defense cuts, have allied themselves with CodePink and together with that group as well as many other leftist organizations wrote a letter to the Congress demanding the implementation of deep defense cuts (including sequestration) and invoking false claims in a lame attempt to justify that demand.

In other words, in their maniacal drive for ever deeper defense cuts, they have allied themselves with scum such as CodePink, which no honorable, self-respecting, patriotic group – let alone a conservative one – would ever do. If there are any principles that conservatives live by, one of them is that you NEVER team up with scum like CodePink for ANY purpose.

But of course, POGO, the TCS, and the NTU are not honorable, self-respecting, patriotic, or conservative, although they pretend to be. (But then again, I could claim to be a great webmaster, but just claiming that I am doesn’t make me one).

You can’t take seriously people who not only exhibit their own total ignorance of the issues they pontificate about, but also team up with scum like CodePink.

I can’t say I’m surprised that POGO, TCS, and the NTU have stooped to such low.

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